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Arçelik Hitachi Home Appliances Sales (Thailand) Ltd.

Why do the indicators repeatedly turn on and off one after another, and the fan is also stationery?
Why does the "Air Sensor" indicator keep blinking in green?
Why does the "Air Sensor" indicator keep lit in green constantly without change?
Why does the "Clean Humidifying Filter" indicator still light even after I have cleaned the humidifying filter?
Why is there no humidifying effect?
Why is the smoke smell not efficiently removed, or there is an odor?
How often do I need to replace the dust filter?
How often do I need to replace the deodorization filter?
How often do I need to replace the Humidifying Filter?
What can I do in the case of water leak?
Which side should the 'FRONT' dust filter face during filter installation?
The "Air sensor" indicator keeps lighting in red constantly without change.