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Arçelik Hitachi Home Appliances Sales (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.Arçelik Hitachi Home Appliances Sales (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.MyanmarMyanmar


Shwe Bagyi Co., Ltd

Home Appliances
No. SA-7, Aung Zay Ya Shopshouse, Corner of Ahlone Road & Strand Road, Forest Quarter, Ahlone Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Tel: 01-2316568

D-4, 2nd Floor, IT Zone, Myanmar Plaza, Kabaraye Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel : +959 790 988891

I-61/62 , Inno City, Corner of Wayzandar Road & Parami Road, South Okkalapa Township T/S, Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel : +95 9 790 988892

No. SA-7, Aung Zay Ya Shopshouse, Corner of Ahlone Road & Strand Road, Forest Quarter, Ahlone Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel : +95 1-2316568, +95 12301267, +95 9 43153423

No. (38-B) , 80th Street , between 34th & 35th street, Chanayetharzan Township, Mandalay, Myanmar.
Tel : +95 9 772001321

No. (38-B) , 80th Street , between 34th & 35th street, Chanayetharzan Township, Mandalay, Myanmar.
Tel : +95 9 4210 50379

Nay Pyi Taw
G-6 Sinma Living Mall , Thiri Yadanar Street, Business Zone Ottara Thiri Township,Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.
Tel : (959) 977 931 937